Who are you?

Hell if I know.

What do you write?

I write short essays about technology, urbanism, philosophy, emotions, and entertainment. I also tell stories from my life.

How many plushies do you own?

At the moment, ten. I still want more.

What else do you do?

I make videos which I post on TikTok and YouTube.

I also make songs, which you can listen to on Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, or any other major streaming service. My musician name is Kayzayai, which is pronounced “KAY-zay-EYE” and is derived from the phrase “Kay’s A.I.”

I invent bad experimental neural network architectures. You can see some on my Github profile.

I sometimes tweet.

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My name is Kai. I like technology, art, music, hiking, psychology, movies, travel, and learning. I write blog posts here very intermittently about things I am interested in.


I make music, art, videos, and train medical AI models.